Some of you may remember my post about my albino Gordi having some orange
stuff around his feet that smelled awful and that several trips to the vet
hadn't yet resolved.  Well, I took Gordi to the vet on Saturday and again
nothing definite.  Except that this time the vet found ear mite eggs in his
ears.  We had done several swabs on his ears before and found nothing.  The
vet didn't feel that this could be the cause of the problem.  But I'm glad
she found something wrong, even though ear mites are a pain to treat.
Someone else posted to me about a similar problem they experienced with skin
mites so I'm hopeful that this could be the cure.  Oh, the vet also put him
on Baytril (5mg) twice daily.  I should know if the problem clears up in
about a week and I will let you know the results.
Unfortunately, now Gordi has another problem.  Massive hair loss on his
back.  I think that it is just a new coat coming in (he's been shedding
slowly recently) but it has come out MUCH TOO quickly with nothing new
coming in yet.  So I will call the vet and ask if it could be a reaction to
the antibiotic.  (I'm hoping this is not adrenal).  Does anyone know if this
could happen?  I'm terribly worried.  I love these little ones TOO much!
I hope that everyone is doing fine and their little ones doing better!  My
sympathy and hugs to all those with sick fuzzies.
     Jennifer (Ronnie, Nancy, Smokey and poor, stinky, now balding Gordi)
[Posted in FML issue 1815]