I own 4 ferrets, two are MF, they were our first purchase, Loosewire and
Lucy are under a year old, and Loosewire weighs in at 3 lbs on the dot, and
Lucy weighs 2 lbs, both are laid back, sweet temperment.  Bear who we
purchased from Mr. McNish from the Michigan Ferret Show, is a whopping 4
lbs, under a year old, he isnt altered in any way.  And Klondyke is a male
under a year old, fixed, and weighs 2 1/2 lbs, is from a private breeder.
All ferrets are healthy.  We are just shocked to see our Bear being such a
BIG guy, and for a MF, Loosewire is a big strapping beautiful guy as well.
For the person who reminded me about my sewing basket, thank you, I try to
be careful and attentive to what our ferrets get into, and there are times
of oversight.  I see your point, and will try harder to keep the sewing
basket on higher shelf.  I have caught her on top of the table while I am
sewing sneaking up to the basket and grabbing a spool.  I think my mistake
was introducing the large empty spools as toys at one time.  Actually, its
the straight pins that worried me the most, and have been careful to make
sure all pins are up off the floor during and after sewing.
[Posted in FML issue 1815]