Recently we have received two types of mail (large amounts of the second)
about the west coast.  The first are alerts that donations will be needed
for fuzzies which have been flooded out.  (Totally reasonable, and when we
learn how from the folks we know we will do so.)  The second are letters
which are specific for those on the west coast.  Why folks suddenly think we
are there we don't know, though we know there is a Suki (without the e) who
has posted here at least once and has been mentioned in relation to chats
(We aren't chat people, not saying that as if it's a bad thing -- it's just
not us, just like suits and diamonds and rutabagas aren't.) so maybe she is
on the west coast.  We're the Crandalls (Sukie, Steve, Meltdown, 'Chopper
the organic helicopter, Spot, Meeteetse, and Warp).
Oh, and thanks for the recent spate of show invitations, but we don't show
our guys though you can see some past and present on the skunk site (kind of
wish we had let folks see Ruffle when she was well and alive as a warning of
what can happen when trying to breed specific traits -- but she would never
have been able to handle the emotional stress of a show and she was so
pretty that some would never have gotten the points about her health and
pain -- BTW, when Bob's schedule permits him to study Ruffie's skeleton in
detail he is going to make that information available to the vets here in
case they run into one like her; he's a good man); and we have not been able
to attend local shows since March because risking bringing ECE into a
household with cardiomyopathy just isn't fair to the ferrets.
Meltdown is still here and happy.  All this time is a gift.  She is a LOT
more stinky with it and that's wonderful for her emotionally.
   Sukie (the "ancient" one, with the "e", in N.J., and here in FML
   land for a very long time)
Do others' ferrets love polka music like our's do?  How many own it just
for the ferrets?
[Posted in FML issue 1815]