Hey dere!  Dis is Jabba-da-Fert and I needs some advize.  We here are
worried about our daddy, Bryan, cuz he has been acting funny lately.
It'z kinda like dis... on Friday he came in da apartment and didn't come to
let us out right away!  We knew it was him, cuz no one else makes as much
noise as he does, and besides..  no guests over to play wif us.
Well, he makes a LOT more noize than normal..  and for a LOT longer!  Now
the real weird part... he brings in four GIGANTIC (to us) things and sticks
it in our cage..  I tink he called em shelves.
Well, now we gots a LOT more play room.  What's he up to?  We got Me,
Cayanne, and Tenaka in here now, and a whole lot of open space in the cage.
We is wondering if he is gonna get a new brudder or sister for us... We
dunno!  He sez no he isn't, but we ain'ts so sure.  He is one weird IH, lets
me tell you.  At least he gone and bought a box of raisins for Tenaka and
Cayanne... I don't like em..  nnnnoooo... not me!  But dey is happy, and dat
is enough for me.  He gives me FERRETONE!
   Wif respects,
   Jabba  (PEEEYOUUUU!!!! That sock STINKS!)
   Cayanne (Then why did you put it in here!! *ACHOO!*
   Tenaka (I'll forgive him if he gives me another raisin!)
[Posted in FML issue 1814]