Omar: Tis' I the Bald One!  I've never posted before, cuz my ma's usually
really good about keepen' us kidz out of da study.  But ma's not here and
her ma's looken after us.  She don like ferts much.  she likes dat dog.  I
don like da dog.  he steps on my head and licks me an den i'm all wet an
icky.  but i get em cuz i bite his ears an cheeks, cause he's got big ones.
He's a golden ret.  an dem hoomans call him Timber.  Cause he falls down a
lot.  We just call him Clutz.  I'm angry wit da grrls.  Dat Nanook took my
favorite arm in da sweater we sleep in.  An to make it worse she invited dat
new grrl Mariposa to share it.  So now my nice soft arm has grrl germs.
Ewwww!  An I had ta sleep wit dat fat new guy dat snors and has night dreams
about loosing his hair!  Da nerve of dat guy!  I'm 5 years older and He
makes fun a me!  Don he know about resprcting da elderly?  I can't help i
ain't got no hair.
Nanook: Ha!  I pusheded dat old dude off!  Ha!  It's my laughing hour.  I
just chaseded da ma's ma an got 'er foot good.  I don think that she
understood that I wanted to play.  I want my ma back.  MA come bck home
soon.  This lady don't play right.
Mariposa:  Hee hee!  It's my turn.  I just want to say that I did not
chew the plastic handle off the door.  tha was Farfalla.
Farfalla:  Was not!  She helped!
Zuet:  Quick, everybody down and out.  Ma's home!!!
And so I found out what my kidz do while I go to school during the day.
They're a handful when I'm home, I can't imagine what their like when I'm
not around.
Pleasant ferreting, and to all, a chomp and a dook.
[Posted in FML issue 1814]