>There have been at least one documented instance (I'm certain many more
>like it exist) where MF has shipped crates of ferrets out via air cargo and
>directly into incoming Noreasters, where kits died after sitting in a
>freezing, drafty, damp cargo hold for many, many hours becuase flights were
>grounded.  There is absolutely no excuse other than poor judgement,
>management and lack of concern for the ferrets ...
While this is no excuse for what happened, I live in Upstate NY and in fact,
not all that far from MF.  The weather here can be damn unpredictable.  Ever
since the major ice storm we had in '91 (which was pretty much unpredicted
by everyone!), just about every chance of a storm is predicted by local
weathermen.  After a while, these predictions have little impact on you
*unless* you actually see the snow falling because so many of the
predictions just don't pan out.  (We had one such predition last week.  I
maybe got an inch of snow instead of the inches predicted.)
While I will agree that the loss of the kits is tragic, it wasn't necessarily
negligent on the part of MF.  Winter weather, at least here, can be and often
is unpredictable.
I highly doubt anybody will stop MF from shipping ferrets in the winter.
Heck, we only have two seasons here - winter and construction season!  (A
local joke.) Instead of making any shipping in the winter an issue, why not
try to have MF change the containers the ferrets are shipped in or
procedures for their shipping or something of that nature which could help
prevent future tragedies.  I think it will be effort spent much more wisely.
Please note that our summer weather can be as dangerous as our winter
weather to the shipping of ferrets.  Winter temperatures can dip below zero
(wind-chill not included) and summer temperatures can be 90+.  These are the
extremes and are not the norm.  If you were to ask me, I think the humidity
and heat of summer is more dangerous to the ferrets then the winter cold.
-kim, squirt (mom, can you turn up the heat?), pippi (gets the fur
 coat award this winter), atlas (constant movement so he never gets
 cold), and 'Jinx (has a very fluffy coat year round)
Kimberly Burkard     |             _    Everything I needed to know in life,
Eastman Kodak Company|      _____C .._. I learned from my ferret:
Rochester, New York  | ____/     \___/  Frolic and dance for joy often, have
[log in to unmask]    |<____/\_---\_\    no fear or worries, and enjoy life.
[Posted in FML issue 1814]