[Moderator's note: This was sent to the FML as well as to Ferret-Adventures]
"Goldielocks & the Two Ferrets" or: "What the Heck Happened to my Room?!"
Once upon a time there lived a very average blond called Goldielocks.  She
lived in an average home, had an average job, etc., etc., etc.  Now, the
only thing slightly ABOVE average about Goldielocks was the fact that she
was owned by two lovely little ferrets; Katie & Worf.  These ferrets were
WAY above average in every respect.  For instance, they were above average
in: 1) Missing the Litter Box, 2) Making Messes, 3)Going where they are NOT
supposed to go, 4) Getting into everything they are NOT allowed to get into,
5) Eating things they shouldn't, etc., etc., etc.
So anyway, one day Goldielocks let her ferrets out in her room, but blocked
off from the rest of the house, while she went outside to feed the Dog, the
Cat, and the Horses.  Honestly, Goldielocks was only gone for about 30
minutes.  Before she had left though, Goldielocks had set up the Ferret
Fun-nels tubes, the "Ferret Stairs", and various other toys so her precious
babies would not get bored.  They could get to both cages and up on the bed,
under the bed and inside their tent.  So, off went Goldielocks to do her
outside chores.
When Goldielocks got back in the house, about 30 minutes later, she went to
her room to take off her shoes.  As she stepped up to the door and started
inside she suddenly stopped.  "What the Heck happened to my room!" she
exclaimed as she saw the devastation inside.  "Someone's been partying in my
bed!" said Goldielocks as she perused the bed, which had been neatly made,
and was now wrinkled, fluffed, snorkled in and generally messed up.
"Somebody's been reading (?) my books!" she cried, as she saw the entire
bottom shelf was totally cleared of books.  "And SOMEBODY'S been DANCING on
my night stand!!" shrieked the perturbed Goldielocks as she viewed the empty
top of the stand.  Lamp, clock, novel, tissue box, chapstick, EVERYTHING was
in a heap on the floor!!  Goldielocks looked around the room once again,
and..... "SOMEONE'S been playing in my pillow cases!" she shouted, "And
they're STILL THERE!!!!" "KATIE!!  WORF!!  You are in TROUBLE!" Then two
little faces poked out from inside the pillow case with that "Hi Mom, wanna
play" look on their cute little masked faces.  Then they came bouncing out
and joyfully danced across the bed to Goldielocks.  Worf danced so hard that
he danced right off the edge of the bed, (Thump!) but kept right on dancing,
which made Goldielocks laugh so hard that she forgot all about being angry
with the two ferrets.  So, Goldielocks straightened up the bed, put the
books back on the shelf, picked up the lamp, clock, novel, tissue box,
chapstick and everything else.  Plumped up the pillows and gave both ferrets
a crunchie, and a big snuggle!
And, they all lived Happily Ever After.........
The moral of the story, you ask???  It's no use trying to be mad at a
Ferret, It just doesn't work!!
(A fact based Ferret-y tale)
By: Amy, Katie & Worf
"Here's Dookin' at you Kit!"
[Posted in FML issue 1813]