Thanks to those of you who have written me today about Squeek.  I'll answer
each of you.  This process is really helping me find closure on this sad
long chapter.
I'm very happy to say I've heard from two breeders already who want all the
info I have about neural tube disorders.  One of the ferret breeders knows
of a recent incidence of neural tube birth defects, and wants to learn more.
I'm feeling now that some good will come of Squeek's tragic life, and that
is very healing.  So please send any info you have, anything at all, about
nueral tube disorders, by private e-mail or FML.  If you do send to the FML,
though, please cc me, as it's easier to save & print out the message.
The little service is postponed to Sunday, today.  So, if you wish, please
send a warm thought or prayer out for these so very tiny four babies who
have crossed the Rainbow Bridge.
Fuzzy Hugs and Dooks,
Lynn Mc.
P.S.  Our Gang of Eight is bright eyed and bushy tailed.  I'm so happy to be
on the upside of ferretdom, and am looking forward to posting some
lighthearted fun stuff about ferts!  Someone mentioned devilish ferrets from
Canada, and I tell you ... our little Canadian girl Mincie Foxine is a
closet climbing, q-tip chewing (new fastener on bathroom cabinet door today)
dynamo!!  Very extra cute and afraid of nothing and no one.
[Posted in FML issue 1812]