I just had an exciting day.  A guy came into my pet store asking if we would
buy his ferret.  I said that the store only orders from our breeder.  I told
him he could post on the bulletin board, however.  He said "well she needs a
male" and i said "oh so she's not fixed." sure enuf, she'd been used for
breeding.  she was 3 years old and I asked to take a look at her knowing
that her vulva was probably swollen, and sure enuf, it was.  I told him that
there were two ferret shelters in the area, but he didn't want to drive
there.  I said that she needed to go to a vet as soon as possible, and that
the shelters would find a way to pick her up if need be, but i didn't know
any of the numbers so i gave him mine and told him to call me after 5.  i
didn't figure he'd bother to call back but at 5:30 he did and i met him
where he was (at a pay phone) with my carrier and he didn't want any money
or anything so i took her.
Her name is cocoa, and she's the size of a 6 week old kit.  She's never had
any shots and has been eating cheap cat food all of her life.  Tonight
she'll be having her first good meal and dose of ferretone.  she's never
even run around a house before.  Today there were tears of joy shed in
[Posted in FML issue 1812]