My Beabie is 5 yrs old, a MF ferret.  On his check-up in November, he
weighed in at 2.8.  The vet noticed that his spleen was a little enlarged
but otherwise he was fine.  His winter coat came in fine, but now I have
noticed it is looking kind of thin around the rib area, and he feels
"ribby." With him being 5yrs, I figured he would not stay "Chubby" like when
he was 1yr.  He does snooze a bit more too.  But his appetite seems fine, he
keeps up quite well with his energetic 1yr old buddy.  Beanie does his share
of wrassling and running, climbing up furniture and general mayhem.  His
adominal area is a little enlarged(I assume from the spleen)but it doesn't
seem to bother him.
My questions are: How serious is an enlarged spleen?  Is there a test for
it?  Is there any answer besides surgery?  If surgery, then is there any
ballpark figures on cost?  I love my boys and do all I can to keep them
happy and healthy.  This has me really befuddled- I'm afraid to talk to the
vet for fear they will want to push for surgery- my fear is all the stories
of uneeded surgeries.  I need advice on what this spleen enlargement
is,what's best, etc.  Anyone else's help will be greatly appreceiated
P.S. I also forgot to mention that his fur seems a bit on the dry side,
if that helps!
Beanie - "Whadda mean my hair looks funny?"
Nosmo - "I can land on the Xmas tree in a single bound!"
[Posted in FML issue 1802]