Hello Fellow Ferret Lovers: I just finished reading Debra's post and think
that this may help out others whose ferrets (or other pets) will not take
pills.  We've used this method with our cats, dogs, and ferrets and it is
almost failproof.
Take a fresh caramel and break of a small piece.  Hold it in your hand and
with a finger of the other hand, smooth the caramel as *thin* as possible,
as it melts in the warmth of your hand.  Quickly wrap the prescribed pill
into the caramel, wrap it up, breaking of excess.  Then, roll the candy
coated pill between both your hands to make it smooth around the pill.
Place the pill at the back of your pets' throat, (sometimes we've had to
hold a little mouth gently closed), smoothing the little critters throat.
I realize that this puts extra sugar into their diet, but the amount really
is very tiny - my vet thinks it is fine.
Hope this works for your furbaby.
Jean and the furblur gang.
                           "Everything that lives
                              Lives not alone
                              Nor for itself"
                                    William Blake
[Posted in FML issue 1811]