I just wanted to take the time to thank everyone on the FML who emailed me
to express their condolences on the passing of my sweet baby girl, Echo.  I
received over 80 emails and I will respond to each one individually, but it
will take me a few days.  I want all of you to know that your kind words and
support have helped me more than you could ever imagine.  I have no one to
support me in person, besides my mom, and it means so much more when people
who can relate and people who love their ferrets as much as I do take the
time to let me know that they are there.  I don't know what I would do
without all of you.  I would like to say a special thank you to my closest
fml freind Meg (sorry Meg, I dont know your last name).  Meg has been there
for me so much in the past couple months.  She has helped me go through hell
and come back.  She was there when I tried to save the babies that came in
the pet store where I work and 3 died, she was there to help me when teh one
who survived came down with pnuemonia, she was there when my Fuji was sick
and when I was having probles with Echo.  But most important she was there
at this, the hardest thing I've had to deal with, as were all of you.  I am
at a stage now where I am in denial....its as if it hasn't hit me or I
haven't realized that she is gone.  So many of your msg's have helped me get
rid of SOME of my guilty feelings.  Knowing I am not alone has been the
greatest help of all.  Thank you all, once again.  Some day I hope we will
all meet at the Rainbow Bridge, then you all can meet my little Echo and see
just how special she really is!  And i can meet all of your sweet babies.
Let's just hope its not TOO soon, although I look forward to the day when I
can hug my baby girl again and NEVER let her go.
Hugs and Kisses
Tyler, Kendall, Fuji, Baby
im memory of Echo and Taz my two baby girls.
[Posted in FML issue 1811]