Hello all!  Just a few quick tips to help everyone who is going to the 1st
Annual Ferret Fanatics '97 LIFE sanctioned ferret show in Federal Way on
February 22...
The hotel offers shuttle service from the airport from 6:0am to 11:00pm.
This is a free service, available for the asking.  Either call the hotel or
e-mail me for details.  The hotel is located next to a Mall and many
restaurants.  So if you are flying in, there is no need to rent a car.
Here is a tip about saving MAJOR $$ on the rooms.  The rack rate is $105.
The show rate is $92.  AAA rate is $94.50.  I am assuming (but didn't ask)
AARP rate is the same as AAA.  The corporate rate is $93.  I got my room for
$52.50.  How?  I have an Entertainment card.  This card allows me to book
with 50% off the rack rate for various hotels worldwide.  Look to see if
maybe you have one, or you can borrow one.  Mine came as a benefit of my
Disney Magic Kingdom Club Gold Memebership.  PLEASE NOTE- the hotels will
only accept "X" number of bookings at this REALLY reduced rate, so do this
NOW!!!  (You will need to present the card upon check-in)
Delta now allows ferrets in the cabin- one ferret per passenger, and only
two animals total in cabin on any flight.  You must reserve this with ticket
reservation.  Animal must be in FAA approved cage, have Vet Health
Certificate, and there is a $50 fee each way for each ferret.  Also only one
ferret may be in each cage in the cabin.  Regretfully, Delta is one of the
more expensive Domestic carriers.  If you woek for a large corporation, call
the corporate travel agent- sometimes they can get you a reduced fare at a
corporate rate.
I have been contacted by several people who would like to find a "roommate"
in order to share hotel rooms and therefore cut costs.  If you are
interested, e-mail me with the following info...
Gender, smoking/non-smoking, any other preferences (ie likes room cold/hot,
light sleeper doesn't want snorer, nite owl, early riser, sleeps with
TV/radio on, etc)  I will put together a list and e-mail it out to all who
respond so that you can contact someone you might like to share with.  Also
note if you want more than one "roomie".
Don't forget- your show entries are due back to Sharon by 1/17/97- no
exceptions.  If you haven't gotten a show entry yet, please e-mail Sharon at
[log in to unmask] immediately!!
Can't wait to see everybody there!!
-Mrs. Duck
[Posted in FML issue 1811]