William Chenoweth wrote:
>I will train him not to bite at all if that's what I'm supposed to do, but
>I would really hate to accidentally train him not to play like a ferret.
It's up to you, and depends on how he'll be interacting with other people.
If you think he'll be around active small kids, it's certainly safest to
teach him not to put his teeth on people at all, but if he only play-nips
when you're tickling him, I'd say that's fine.  Our ferrets know the
difference between one of us tickling them on the bed, and some
five-year-old holding them in her arms.  (We do keep a careful eye on any
children we let hold them, though.) They also know very well the difference
between people and other animals, and have no problems at all chomping on
each other or on a cat, so there's not much risk of you training the ferret
play out of him.
- Pam Greene
Ferret Central <http://www.optics.rochester.edu:8080/users/pgreene/>
            or send INDEX FERRET in email to <[log in to unmask]>
[Posted in FML issue 1810]