Hi all,
I have recently volunteered to Co-chair a fund raising project (along with
Sandy Streit) for OFA to benefit the Oregon Ferret Shelter.  I think it's a
great idea, and hope you all will too!!
We are going to put together a quilt (maybe more than one???) made of
donated squares, to be raffled off hopefully in August at the OFA Fun Match.
If you would like to participate, you can donate 1 or 2 squares and you will
get 1 raffle ticket for each square donated!  Or you can just donate one
dollar per raffle ticket, and have a chance to win a great quilt, and
support a great cause....Ferrets!!  Guidelines for quilt squares are as
Finished size of squares should be 10 inches square, and made of pre washed,
washable cotton/calico type fabric.  Please no denim, polyester, nylon, etc.
You can make your squares in any type of pattern; such as pieced,
embroidered, appliqued.  (No marker colored, puff painted, etc.  due to
durability/washability) You may use Ferrets as a motif, or not as you
please.  The only other thing I ask is that you use a bit of thought in
designing your squares, because we do not know who will win the Quilt(s),
and don't wish to risk offending anyone.  At this time I ask that no one
send any more than 2 squares.  I estimate about 48 squares per quilt, and
would be tickled to offer 2, maybe even 3 quilts to raffle, but I don't
really want to end up with enough to make a circus tent!!  ;)
Any one who wants to donate squares can mail them to me (Amy) at the
following address.
9210 NE Crooked River Dr.
Terrebonne, OR 97760
I will be putting the quilt(s) together, and will get a picture of some sort
up on the net as soon as I can.
Any one who wants tickets may send mail to Sandy Streit.
     3145 SW Maricara St
     Portland, OR 97219
     Or call:
     after 5pm pacific (503) 293-4175
Amy, Katie & Worf
"Here's Dookin' at you Kit"
PS: Hey Dick Bossart!! I see the Face in the Ferret Calendar too! Eye, Nose,
Frown... and even a widows peak!! You are not crazy!! ;}
[Posted in FML issue 1810]