Just a nice (really!) post to let all know about the fuzzies.  I've been
offline for a number of reasons, mostly because I've been setting up the new
computer, eh eh eh.  Hey Bev, you can drool now, its a beauty, 32RAM, level
2 cache, 4 chips running at 220 mhz, and best of all, its a Macintosh.  What
used to take me an hour in Photoshop 3 now takes a few minutes with
Photoshop 4.  Its the first computer I've wanted to name.
My dad just got out of ICU after 6.5 weeks. He is too mean to die. Ask any
of his nurses.
Buddy has been visiting the vet regarding his adrenal glands, and so far the
recommendation is no surgery.  He has lost about a third of his body hair,
and his skin is warmer to the touch than it should be, although his body
temperature is fine.  I get a second opinion next week.  The concern is
because he is already 8 years old, the indignity, suffering and trauma of
surgery, with its limited long-term benefit, and the associated risks seem a
high price to pay for very little increase in life.  I am open to comments
or opinions; just be aware that I love the little beast dearly, and am
reluctant to do anything that decreases his quality of life for the
remaining time I have with him.  A little info; ultrasounds have shown both
adrenals to mostly likely to be affected, he has not responded to homopathic
treatments of ANY kind, he is alert, mobile, playful, and maintains his
weight (He eats very well).
The blackheads on Stella's tail are gone and the hair is regrowing.  She has
gone from rat-like to vole-like.  She is my only weight-advantaged ferret; I
sometimes call her Miss Weebil.  I have her running up and down steps and
climbing parrot ladders...but she just has "big bones..."
Crystal went into heat three times in the last five weeks, with obvious and
solid "out-of-heats" in-between.  We were finally able to time everything
right and she was spayed last Thursday.  On top of one of her ovaries was a
small bluish tumor, which appeared to be intact and histologically of a
benign nature.  Since the removal of the tumor, the change in her
personality has been quite profound; she has gone from a skittish timid
little thing to an inquisitive and self-possessed little ......thing.  BTW,
for you Oregonians, she kisses, is sweeeeet, sleeps on laps, and hasn't bit
anything but the cat since Sept.  Thanks for allowing me to adopt her.
Chrys goes under the knife next week to lose his cahones. Right now he's
4.5 lbs of lean muscle. Trillian will also lose her anal sacs because of a
chronic infection and impaction. Feel sorry for both of them.
Everyone else is doing just fine. I hope to have some more pictures of
them online soon. And one of me with the long flowing hair.
Mo' Bob and the 18 Dancin' Fools (In memory of Gus)
[Posted in FML issue 1808]