I posted a few days ago about a lost ferret I found wandering around the
Western Washington University campus.  He's doing well, although I haven't
yet located the owner.  The problem is, he just nipped me on the face.
I wouldn't be worried at all about this if I knew where he'd been, but I
don't.  I know rabies is supposed to be very unlikely in ferrets and that
they apparently don't shed the virus easily, but I'm still concerned about
the possibility of it.  Can anyone help me out here?  I just spoke with a
vet, and I'll talk to my doctor tomorrow, but I'm kinda worried about this.
Basically, I'd like any info anyone can offer on the current opinion about
how likely he is to have rabies.  He looks and acts healthy, with no
evidence of any recent bites or anything, but I don't know what he
encountered during the unknown period of time he was lost.  I've also seen
claims posted to the list saying that ferrets generally don't shed the virus
in saliva; can anyone send a citation for this to help ease my mind?
Similarly, if there's any reason to be especially concerned, I'd like to
know about it.
[Posted in FML issue 1808]