Weight loss - Any other symptoms.  Nausea?  Tarry stools?  Are stools normal
size?  Is she urinating normally?  Have you changed foods recently?  Have
you used any insecticides recently?  Could she have an obstruction
(hairball, foam, rubber, etc)?  I know - you wanted answers and you get more
Ours don't like baby food but they absolutely love Science Diet A/D mixed
with pedialyte and warmed to take the chill off.  Some like lactose free
nutritional supplements such as Resource.  I start them out by dipping my
finger in the recipe or supplement and smearing in their little mouths.
Before long they are lapping it right up.
Eating other Pet Foods - The ferrets love the dog food.  In our home I
frequently see the ferrets laying in the dog bowl and eating while the dogs
are patiently waiting for their turn.  The dogs eat two types of food - a
quality brand (such as Pro Plan, Iams, Euk. or SD) and a soft and chewy
Purina brand.  The ferrets LOVE the chewy one.  As long as they eat their
regular foods I don't worry about the dog food.  I do have to block the dogs
out of the kitchen at night though so they don't eat all the ferret's food.
Hugs to all. tle
[Posted in FML issue 1807]