>From:    "Melissa A. Boulineau" <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Ferret horror story
>I do however need help finding out what her coat color is called... She has
>a white face and yellow underbelly, her body has white undercoating, with
>black tips... She has black eyes... Anyone with an answer can e-mail me
To see pictures of what I'm describing you can look at the page I helped
write for the web at http://www.ferret.org/afacolors.htm.  The yellow words
lead to detailed descriptions and pictures.
Well I'll also copy the list.  Some folks find this interesting.
Yellow belly is mostly staining if the rest of the undercoat is white.  I'm
guessing that you mean that the belly is all white stained yellow not
partially dark stained yellow.
Is the whole head white?  If so then you have a Panda.  Some pandas are not
as good by show standards and have darks spots on their heads usually around
the ears.  Of course as always color has nothing to do with the quality of a
pet except in a show which is only a day or two out of a year so it matters
Pandas are also supposed to have white feet or legs.
Now you can make the name more elaborate as well.
If the black is really black than you have a Black Panda.
If its really a dark brown that looks real real close to black then you have
a Sable Panda.
I suspect that your ferret has a light belly and the dark on the legs and
body is no real dark with white guard hairs mixed in.
If the dark areas are about half dark and half white (guard hair not
undercoat now) you have a Panda Roan.  So either a Black Panda Roan or a
Sable Panda Roan.
If the dark areas are mostly white you'd have a Dark Eyed White Pattern and
you don't usually use the name Panda anymore.
bill and diane killian
zen and the art of ferrets
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[Posted in FML issue 1807]