>From:    Thomas Howe <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Ferret starter kits
I was wondering if these are the same Hagen cages a friend of mine from
Canada had.  Hers was a moulded plastic bottom, several inches high.  The
top was painted wire w/out cross-bars.  Not only didn't her top stay on with
the wire clips (she had to be very careful when moving it), the bars
spanning the top were flexible enough for a determined average size male to
squeeze through the top.  She always had to keep something on top that was
heavy enough that the frits couldn't push off.
If the cages you're talking about are the same as what she had, not only are
they an inappropriate enclosure because of size, they're down right
dangerous.  If a ferret wants to get out, it will.  & if a ferret tries &
gets it head stuck...you know what the sad end to the story will be.
If you are talking about the same cage I am, DO NOT RECOMMEND THEM AS TRAVEL
CAGES.  I have seen the top pop off, from a fast turn, while sitting on the
seat of the car.  Weasels all over the place!  It's a good thing there were
2 of us in the car.
& BTW, it's REALLY hard to open & close the door too.
I'm happy to report, my friend Pat is owned by 8 adorable fuzzies who now
live in 2 beautiful, black 3-story condos, compete w/matching stands.  They
even have a connecting walkway.
Frodo, Rocks, Anola Gay, SNAFU, FUBAR, Tabu, Chaos & Tuxedo
[Posted in FML issue 1831]