I just had to respond to the person who got the 6 mo old female ferret when
they thought they were getting a 3 mo old male.  It just may be that they
were not lying to you, but maybe were just ignorant.
I bought my second ferret this last Dec at a pet store, they actually had
two pet stores in adjoining towns.  When I walked in with my friend we
spotted the fuzzies in a nice roomy cage, with litter box, towels/rags for
bedding, and some toys.  They were clean and obviously well cared for.
When we asked to hold them, we were informed that they were nippy and may
bite.  We said we understood, they were just babies.  I told the clerk I was
looking for a male, and was told that both kits were "Boys".  I did 'peek',
and discovered the one I held was in fact a little girl.  So I had my friend
check the kit she held and it was a female also.  I know the clerk was not
intentionally lying to us to sell the ferret, she just didn't know how to
tell the diference between male & female. So we gave her the short course. :)
She then told us that they had had 4 kits, and supposedly 2 of each sex, and
had sent the other two to their other store.  So, we went to the other store
and sure enough, there were the two 'boys'.  (also in roomy cage, litter
box, etc.) I picked out my *Little* Worf after about 20 min. and off we went.
I have seen a lot of pet stores, I'm somewhat of a fanatic about checking
them all out, and would say that 75% of all pet store employees know
absolutely ZERO about the pets they sell.  The average clerk is High School
age or there abouts, and love the idea of "working with animals", but never
take the time to "learn about the animals" they work with.  I don't mean to
hurt anyones feelings when I say this, most are very well meaning.  But I
think that pet store owners should spend a bit more time on educating their
employees on some of the basics.  (ever try to buy a hamster or Cavy of a
certain sex?  It's almost impossible at most pet stores unless you know how
to tell yourself.)
Amy, Katie & Worf
"Here's Dookin' at you Kit!"
[Posted in FML issue 1830]