I've received mail from many of you saying you did not receive the
advertising issue.
The issue went out on Monday, and I know it was at least partly distributed
due to acknowledgements and a couple of bounces, but so many of you didn't
get it, that there must have been a problem.  Will try to track it down.  I
By the way, use the same list for the ad issue as for the FML -- up to the
minute -- and add a few names of non-subscribers who have requested it.
Anyhow, if you didn't receive it, email me, or, better yet, send mail to
[log in to unmask] with the single line of text in the body of the
mail of:
On another topic, this FML issue was a difficult one for me to edit.  There
were a few posts about the "HIV in animals" discussion that were pretty
hostile - so much so that I felt I had to remove them.  I'll contact the
people directly when I have a few minutes, but perhaps there has been enough
discussion that there's no need to get into it further.  The topic is very
appropriate where ferrets are involved, but there's only so many ways to say
exactly the same thing!
[Posted in FML issue 1830]