Danke vielmals (Thanks much) to each of you who've inputted your responses
to my dilemma about adopting in/out a ferret previously owned by a deceased
Apparently I know just enough about this disease to be dangerous on the
Also, it has been made evident to me that such a ferret could be used as a
basis for a lawsuit by a newly infected HIVer who could blame the ferret and
its source for his/her disease, eventho the disease was acquired by other
means.  To defend self would cost lots of bucks, eventho self is innocent of
such allegation(s).
The two kinds of virus appear to be animal and human; further, animal to
human transmission is biologically impossible, and conversely.  However,
isn't it known now that these viruses are constantly mutating with new
strains being discovered?  Also, the means of transmission human/human does
not involve the intermediary of human/primate/human in the studies so far
Human/human (H/H) tx is known to involve the exchange of bodily fluids such
as semen, blood, saliva, fluids transcending the placental barrier, and
possibly perspiration.  Human/animal(H/A) tx most certainly occurs too,
albeit consequential HIV infection is deemed not possible.
My concern is the Human/Animal/Human (H/A/H) mode of transmission of HIV,
thru the medium of saliva transferred from human to ferret to human.
The conjoined homosexual embrace is the most well known mechanism enhancing
the travel of HI viral particles between warm sweaty bodies and certainly
not difficult for one to image the lip-locking and tonsil-tickling kissing
that occurrs in the heat of passion.  Without detailing any further, oral
engulfments also take place.  Seems reasonable to assume that human saliva
would be a near-perfect short term medium for the survival of the HI viral
The ferret-owning, HIV infected person who habitually engages in such
activity as above, and who receives the "love" of his ferret, manifested in
part by receiving from his ferret, the licking of his lips and the
consequent expectoration of his saliva, such that his ferret is further
encouraged to lick his lips, that person is the first link in the probable
tx of viral particles from his saliva to the saliva of the ferret and
possibly to the salivary glands of his lovable ferret.  How long the HI
virus remains alive in the saliva, mouth, and/or salivary glands (five pairs
of them) of the ferret, who knows?
The vast majority of ferret owners permit, yea, even encourage their ferrets
to lick their lips while expectorating saliva.  This is deemed as "love
kissing" by us who want so much to attribute human-like emotional feelings
to an animal, this behavior being called by that almost unpronouncable term:
Since this anthropomorphic behavior is prevalent with ferret owners, does it
seem reasonable to assume that the probability of H/A/H transmission of HIV
is higher than would be otherwise expected in the general population?
Perhaps the conclusion to this diatribe is to warn the adopter of a ferret,
formerly owned by a deceased/living HIV/AIDS subject, don't let the ferret
lick you anywhere on your person, PERIOD.  If bitten, oh woe is you.
Pity the poor shelter manager who has two ferrets; one from an HIV/AIDS
owner, and another, not from an HIV/AIDS owner.  Which one is likely to be
chosen by the adopter coming to your shelter?  Is there any need for my
Edward Frettchenvergnuegen Lipinski, the Worrier.
[Posted in FML issue 1829]