Hi all, I was reading about experiences with ferrets and cats and had to
chime in.
My fuzzy has had contact with cats since I brought her home two years ago.
All three of the cats she knows understand that Loki is not to be hurt.
Loki, of course, takes advantage of this when she plays with the cats.  she
will duck into a hole and keep poking her head out while Ghost (cat #1)
stands watch, paw in the air (claws in) ready to bat at the ferret.  Knowing
that she is in no danger, Loki will charge from her hidey-hole and pounce on
the cat.  Wiglaf (cat #2) plays a similar game with Loki, although she has a
tendency to follow closely behind so that she can make a quick getaway.
Scooter (cat #3) maintains a "safe" distance from Loki so that she can flee
the moment Loki notices her.
Cats 1& 2 were "brand new" when they were introduced to Loki, and I'm sure
growing up together helped a lot.  The best thing about the "kids" all
playing together is that I can always find Loki by finding the cat.  For
instance, Ghost was spending a lot of time looking at one of the top drawers
near the kitchen sink.  I couldn't figure out why, so I started calling for
Loki (she does come, it's the only "trick" she's mastered).  then I heard
all this banging around.  I opened the drawer and there was Loki in with all
the utensils!  She had pulled a bottom drawer open and then made her way up
by climbing the backs of the rest of the drawers!  If if wasn't for Ghost,
who knows how long it would have been until I found Loki!
supervisor of Loki
[Posted in FML issue 1829]