Like I said before, not all pet stores are bad.  I work at a pet store that
I'd put against any in the nation, private or francise.  If you would like
advice in dealing with a bad pet store, please email me, because since i
work at one, i know what a pet store's sensitive spots are when you are
giving them complaints.  (in other words, i know how to make effective
complaints to even apathetic people) I've dealt with many bad pet stores,
and most if not all of them took my suggestions because they were very
effective solutions to their problems.  a lot of people tell the employees
to do something like refill the water, but it also helps to give them long
term solutions to things like "we haven't gotten around to it yet" it makes
them much more receptive, i've noticed.
If you have any questions about the pet store industry from their side,
please email me.
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[Posted in FML issue 1829]