>From:    "Rudich, Robert A" <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: See the Light
>If your ferret looks fat, lacks flexibility, and is not pumping iron, I'd
>bet intramuscular fat is a distinct possibility.  We have two very strong
>male ferrets that weigh about the same but differ noticeably in size.  One
>is lean and the other is less dense and must have intramuscular fat.
>(Muscle is denser than fat.)
Hmmmm...well, it's possible.  He's definately hyperactive, absolutely
non-stop, and always has been.  When he plays with Mikey, he uses "brute
force" and strength to flip and hold him, rather than Mikey's more
"gracefull" approach.  If you try to hold him steady for a cleaning/trimming
session, it's like trying to hold a squirming bar of iron - so I'm not
overly worried about his health.
>Careful, Jim.  You are straying close to superstitious behavior.  As with
>the other postulated causes of adrenal disease, there is no evidence that
>photoperiod is at fault.  I'm a research psychologist (not an actor playing
>one on TV) who has experience in photoperiod effects in humans.  The light
>levels required to cause an effect are well above normal house ambient
>lighting.  There is a threshold value that must be exceeded.  If not, the
>lunar illumination cycle would play havoc with the durennial progression
>(jargon terms for Mo Bob's benefit - he says they're required for
Oh, I know it's nothing definate...the main reason I'm doing it (besides the
*possible* benefit to the ferts) is that, due to my lifestyle and living
arrangements, it's quite *easy* to do - so I figured, what the hell.
Actually, truth be known, right around the time Mo'Bob was talking about
photoperiods (about six months ago?), the main power junction in my
motorhome "blew out", leaving me with power to the kitchen area and a couple
of small lights right over my bed, everything else total blackout.  Took me
three weeks to score a replacement, another week to install it, meanwhile I
found that it was easy to live 90% lacking in artificial light...so I
figured, "what the hell" and decided to try out the photoperiod theory ever
since - and YES, I know I won't be proving squat by it.
>I wish I could see Harry and show you Springer and Smokey mentioned above.
>We could talk motorcycles too.  However, given the legal situation, I don't
>know how wise it would be to take up a stranger on this offer.  You can do
>what you like (you seem assertive).  But the risk to your ferrets is much
>greater than from lamp light at night.  The experience may be in seizing
2 points: I've met a couple of FMLers in Califullanastywardensornia, with no
problems...it's not hard to sort out who's who.  Second, if the DFG is
interested in busting people via the FML, all they have to do is trace
internet service providers for EMail addresses...they don't *need* to set up
elaborate sting ops.
[Posted in FML issue 1801]