Just a quick update on that fuzzy in the pet store...
My opening shots have been fired..  Animal Control has been notified as to
the situation, but it is out of their jurisdiction if the Illinois
Department of Agriculture does not tell them to do something.  So my next
salvo was directed to them.
The gentleman who I talked to was extremely busy, so I gave him the short
form of the situation.  He took my name and number (I gave him my work
number) and he said that he would call me back.  I believe he was going to
look into the matter first, (HOPEFULLY telling Animal Control to go have a
look-see).  I know nothing more than that.
I will give them a few days to call me back, and if they haven't, I will
call again.  And again.  And again.  All the while, I will be looking in on
the fuzzie.  Hang on, little one.  Hang on.  You need to endure a little
longer..  just long enough to shut this ....person... down.  Then I will
make sure you get a warm and loving home, maybe with me, but a loving and
warm home nonetheless.
That's all I have for now folks... I will keep everyone updated.
[Posted in FML issue 1828]