Hello!  The Virginia Citizens for Common Sense Animal Laws represents
thousands of pet owners in Virginia working toward responsible pet ownership
through education.  One of our primary goals is to overcome the prejudice
and ignorance here in Virginia about the efficacy of the rabies vaccine in
pets such as ferrets, wolfdogs, and other "non-traditional" pets which are
rapidly becoming mainstream.  This attitude has been primarily put forth by
the Virginia Department of Health.
We are once again helping to fight legislation that would effectively ban
wolfdogs in Virginia.  The foundation of the bill is the same tired argument
from the Virginia Department of Health that ferret and wolfdog owners have
heard for years.  Their attitude is that unless we are absolutely certain
that the vaccine works in a particular animal, we had better not vaccinate
it, because this leads to a false sense of security.  Although this is what
they say publicly, their own official guidelines take the more sensible
"better safe than sorry approach," and encourage vaccination of these pets.
I know that ferret owners receive much of the same ignorant discrimination --
especially here in Virginia -- that wolfdog owners now face.  On their
behalf, I solicit your help.  The Virginia Department of Health will state
their same short-sighted attitude about rabies in "exotic species" this
Monday, 27 January 1997, at 9AM in Senate Room A when Senate Bill 1027 is
heard.  Your show of support at this meeting along with wolfdog owners will
send a clear message to the Health Department official who will most likely
be there to speak (we all know who that will be!).
It would also help to call the Virginia General Assembly (Virginia residents
only, please) to oppose Senate  Bill 1027, please call 800.889.0229.
Please call our Information Hotline at 804.963.8223 for updated information.
Thank you so much, we and our dogs greatly appreciate your concern and
Keith C. Drake, Ph.D.
H:  804.974.1617
W:  804.977.0686
  The problem with Bill Clinton's 'bridge to the future,'
  is that people like Ted Kennedy are going to be driving."
[Posted in FML issue 1826]