I finally took everyones advise and started using pellets.  What I have
found if you own a enclosed wood stove you can burn the used pellets without
any smell.  We have found if you cover the bottom of the stove with about
one inch thick of pellets before you put the wood in to start the fire the
pellets will catch on fire after a few minutes and your stove will heat
immediately.  If only wood is used it takes quite some time for the metal of
the stove to heat.  What a great way to dispose of the waste.
Cleaners, I have been reading about ferts and toilet brushes, soaps etc.,
and how dangerous they are to our little fuzzies.  I agree that these
products are harsh and could be very hazardous to their health.  My solution
to this problem is a product called Quick & Brite.  It is sold on TV on one
of those info commercials.  If anyone is interested please post on FML and I
will get the ingredients, phone # and price of this product.  It is
completely nontoxic, biodegradable, has no odor, comes in a bucket and has
the consistency of lard, pink in color.  I was cleaning my bathroom, had the
bucket of Q@B on the floor, I left the room when I returned my male ferret
Rupert had removed at least a pound of this stuff from the bucket, and his
little chest was completely pink.  Of course I panicked, I immediately put
Rupert in the bath tub and gave him a bath, and there were no ill effects
whatsoever.  It takes a little arm muscle to clean tubs, toilets etc., the
upside is I no longer have clorox, cleansers or any type of harsh cleaners
in my house.  Another plus, it seems to completely take the odor out of
areas where a mistake has occured, they don't seem to be drawn back to that
area at all.  Maybe it is wishful thinking on my part, or they may perfer a
different spot each time.  (probably)
Everyone is in our prayers.
Jill- owned by:
Rupert, Fiona & Energizer B
[Posted in FML issue 1825]