Hiya everyone!
Well, I'm sure you noticed by my subject line that I'm at my wits end.  It
seems that Chelsea doesn't like the litter box in the cage.  Kelsey, uses it
*everytime* but Chelsea *never* does!  I tried cleaning it every day, and I
tried leaving a few poops in too.  Nothing seems to work, Now, I bet your
saying, "Hey, Ashley, you've been on this list a while, you should know what
to do, just stick in another litter box".  Yea, well I have the 3 story
Safeguard cage, and Chelsea insists on pooping right where the bottom ramp
meets the bottom floor, and the space is too small for a litter box, but
just right for a ferret-butt!  ;) Well, as you can imagine, it makes
clean-up very icky, although I don't get sick over it, it just is really
annoying!  Does anybody out there have any suggestions?  I would really
appreciate it.  If you could send responces to me personally that would be
great too!  Thanx a million (million ferrets, that is!!  <G>)
Kelsey- Is that.... FERRETONE??? YEA, *dook*dook*
Chelsea- Hum...this looks like a good spot....*poop*poop*
[Posted in FML issue 1825]