Hi everyone,
Some time ago I posted about my male, Boomer, who had to be descented again
a few months after I purchased him.  Boomer is in fine health now but I have
had nothing but trouble trying to get some of my money back for the surgery.
The little green "quarantee" card that came with Boomer had the name and
address of United Ferret Organization (UFO) on it, so I mailed them asking
if it would be possible to get some (or all) of my money back from the
surgery since Boomer was "guaranteed" to be descented.  I heard nothing from
them until I sent the third letter threatening them with legal action.
(They said that the two previous letters never reached them.)
They said that my ferret came from Path Valley and that all of my paperwork
had been sent to that breeder.  Path Valley finally mailed me a letter that
stated that they usually deal with pet stores, not individuals, when it
comes to this sort of thing.  They asked me to send them the name and
address of the pet store that sold me Boomer.  Unfortunately, the pet store
no longer exists and I cannot remember the name of the store or the guy's
name who sold Boomer to me.  I paid with cash.
I told Path Valley all of this in a letter.  That was in November or early
December.  I have not heard from them.  Has anyone had any similar problems?
This is really getting annoying.  It all started out innocently with me
asking (nicely) if I could possibly get some of my money returned and now
I'm so mad I can't see straight.
Help!!    ;-)
What rights do I have in this matter?  In Path Valley's defense, I suppose
they don't want to be scammed out of any money, but they have all of the
"quarantee" paperwork as well as all of my vet bills.
Any advise would be greatly appreciated.
-Mark Zmyewski
 Huntsville, Alabama
[Posted in FML issue 1804]