Hello there,
I run a small ferret rescue and today picked up a little girl that had her
vulva swollen to about the size of an acorn.  Neither my vet nor I have come
across anything like this yet.  She is a Marshall Farms and about 2 years
old.  (Not exactly sure of her age because she was found by the people I got
her from.)  She is skinny and her hair is very coarse.  And her skin seems
redish around her neck and tail.  My vet suggested a biopsy of the swollen
area.  But the other vet who had examined her before suggested exploratory
surgery.  I really don't know if she would be able to handle any kind of
surgery because she is so fragile looking, but she is semi-active and eating
normally according to the people I got her from.  Has anybody seen anything
like this before?  The previous vet had thought there were remnants of the
ovary that spurred her into heat.  Or there was a tumor involved, but
unlikely at her age.  I am having another vet look at her Friday and will
see what she thinks.  But if anyone has any ideas, I would be very thankful.
Megan Scott
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Sunshine Ferret Club & Rescue
Boynton Beach, FL  (561) 735-7879
[Posted in FML issue 1824]