>From:    "marie i. schatz" <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Ferret Presentation
<applaud!> <cheers!>
>From:    Karyn Otta <[log in to unmask]>
>Sebastian was lying on his back, on top of Scuttle, with his feet in the
>air.  ... I pulled him out of the cage and laid him on the floor, but he
>just laid there.  His eyes were open, but blank, and he wouldn't move.  As
>quick as it happened, he began to get up.  Though somewhat disoriented, he
>was fine.
I know we all read a lot about pancreatic tumors & low blood sugar on the
list.  It's really scary & probably the 1st thing that comes to mind when
what you described happens for the 1st time.  But there is another
possibility that I haven't seen discussed for a long time.
If what you described happend in the middle of play I would really be
concerned.  But you said it happend after they had been in bed for a while,
after a good play.  Could it have been that they were just pooped (not
literally) & half asleep?
Some of these woozles go into a coma when they sleep.  I've had new & not so
new owners call me on the phone hysterical that their baby was dead!  Of
course it woke up just as they were saying the word *dead.* I can pick my
sleepy-heads up to demonstrate what a pelt hangs like & they don't give any
indication of life.  I can hardly see them breathing.
If you're really uncomfortable about not knowing, you can always get a blood
test.  Unless it's happening during regular activity or play, & not while
they're sleepy or tuckered out, I wouldn't worry too much about it.
>From:    "M. JOYT" <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: No Ferret Math :o( - can she be happy all by her lonesome?
She's not lonesome.  You're her ferret
>From:    "DA Boom Boom Boomer! :)" <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: pet stores
>I'm happy to report that there is a pet store in Kansas that is
It's so nice to hear about a store standing so far above the crowd.  I hope
your owners do seminars to teach the rest of the country how to do it right-
not just for the ferret, but for all the living creatures they sell.
BIG, is it all right to post the store name?  We need to know where the good
ones are.    [Yes, OK to post name. BIG]
Frodo, Rocks, Anola Gay, SNAFU, FUBAR, Tabu, Chaos & Tuxedo
[Posted in FML issue 1823]