Rading yesterdays story on how Houdini who owns Kirk might be reading email.
If this is ture then don't let Houdini rwad this.  My Peanut loves to get
behind the stove and especially get into the bottom drawer with all the pans
and such.  I think he miust like the clanking and clattering that they make
as he roams around under there.  Not to worry, we have an electric stove (no
pilot light to burn himself on).  We've tried to make it so he can't get in
there but we can't work out anything that will prevent him from getting and
and still allow the stove the room it needs.  Oh well we've made it fuzzy
safe down there.  So Houdini if you're reading this Peanut thinks it's a
great place to explorer.  Only trouble is mom and dad know exactly where you
are.  Pots and pans make too much noise!
Matthew Kritter.................. [log in to unmask]
Peanut Kritter............. [log in to unmask]
Bijoux Kritter.............. [log in to unmask]
Munchkin Kritter...... [log in to unmask]
Figaro Kritter.......... [log in to unmask]
[Posted in FML issue 1823]