Well, I'm looking for people to discuss Noodle with.  His psychology
continues to baffle me, and i need to stop his biting but havent the
faintest clue how.  As you all have experience with, it's okay for them to
bite *us*, just not strangers.  And since eventually Noodle has to come
into contact with strangers, this has got to stop.
The best luck we've had is with having every new person he meets scruff him
and yell at him the *very* first time they see each other.  He comes out to
be curious at them, and they HAVE to scruff him and yell, "NO!" at him
first, then pick him up and be nice for a bit.  This usually results in his
treating them with some level of respect.  However, he'll climb into my lap
possessively, take a nap, then all of a sudden wake up frenzied and start
savaging my wrist.  Usually i hold his jaws shut with my fingers and say
'No' at him the first few times, and then put him off my lap after the third
time or so.  This works for a day - he's got a really short memory span -
but then he's back to it a few days later.  Any suggestions?  He is easily
spooked - if i'm mean to him, his memory suddenly gets better and he's
terrified of me for days.  'Mean' includes scruffing, flicking, yelling,
etc.  Gagging him by pushing my finger back into his mouth merely allows him
a better grip on whatever part of me he's trying to gnaw off.  If he's in
your lap and goes to bite your wrist, he will gladly draw blood if you're
not fast enough to move out of his way.  Anyone got ideas?  Am i not
spending enough time with him?
 ___ Melissa Litwicki __ [log in to unmask] ___
 By the whole newsgroup devoted tennis showing
     it after scarfing fork and laughters
[Posted in FML issue 1822]