I have 2 Ferrets that i got for christmas.  I was just wondering if they are
scared of me now will they be scared of me in the future.  I think before I
got them the other owner would be friendly to one of them and would not even
look at the other and that same ferret thinks I will do the same to him
because if I try to pick him up or pet him he will either bite, run, or
scream in his little ferret voice.
My next problem is my ferrets will always stop what they are doing and stick
up their ail and stand there for about 2 seconds and take off running.  I
was just wondering are they peeing on my floor or just taking a breather.
If you can help with either or both of these problems plese e-mail me at
[log in to unmask] or just Chris1394.Thanks for all your help. :)
[Posted in FML issue 1822]