>From:    Steve Stem <[log in to unmask]>
>Has anyone tried to hold new ferret owner sessions (like once a month)
>through a pet store?  I can't imagine why a pet store wouldn't try to
>promote the sessions....
I am the Vice President for the Greater Vancouver Ferret Association, and
this is something we currently do.  It's extremely useful for new owners,
and it's lots of fun for us too.  Since lots of people buying from pet
stores are getting their first ferret, they aren't always quite sure what
they're doing.
Sheena - [log in to unmask]  | "To Err is Ferret ... To Forgive|
VP - Ferret Association     | "... Well, That's Our Job"      |
     of Greater Vancouver   (Wherret Web Pages Coming Soon!)
  We're on the Web! http://www2.portal.ca/~cmc/ferrets/fagv/
[Posted in FML issue 1821]