I just wanted to share my latest discovery with everyone!  We will No Longer
be using Bitter Apple in this household!!
First - let me explain why I went searching for an alternative to bitter
apple, after all, it's always worked for us.  I have never been comfortable
with the fact that its first ingredient is rubbing alcohol (isopropyl
alcohol).  I know the little critters probably only get a minute amount of
it in their mouths, but the stuff is poisonous if taken internally (read the
label - even the bitter apple bottle label says it isn't to be taken
internally).  I know I'm probably a little out in left field on this one -
but it lately it has occurred to me that since my fury friends are extra
prone to cancers that I should really try to reduce the number of chemicals
in their lives (even ones they only get in tiny amounts).  I've been trying
very hard to cut back on the chemicals in our household for both our and
their health.
Anyway, as I've been replacing our cleaning supplies, soaps, etc and making
our own I made THE DISCOVERY.  Lots of the information I've recently
discovered recommended following homemade shampoos with apple cider vinegar -
or citric acid (sour salt) mixed with water if you wanted the same effect
without the vinegar smell.  I've been using it for a while now with great
results, BTW. :-)  Yesterday I somehow ended up with some in my mouth during
my shower & I discovered how gross tasting the stuff really was :-{ Thats
when the thought hit!
I brought my spray bottle out from the shower, and sprayed the first critter
that misbehaved (didn't want to send super confusing messages by punishing
the first ferret I could grab).  Well, I am happy to announce that it has
the exact same effect as the bitter apple!!  And its MUCH cheaper, too!
Interested in giving it a try?  You can get Sour Salt (Citric Acid) in your
grocery store.  I've found it in 2 different stores in the Jewish/Kosher
section.  It costs about $2 for a small bottle (one bottle, used just for
ferrets will last about forever).  So, even if you have to buy a spray
bottle for $2 - you have a lifetime supply of the stuff for about what you'd
pay for the 8 oz bottle of bitter apple!
To make it, add 1/2 - 1 teaspoon of sour salt to 1 cup of water, mix until
disolved, and pour into a clean spray bottle (old bitter apple bottle, new
spray bottle, etc - but NEVER one that held cleaning solutions!!)
Hope someone finds this as exciting as I do!!
Avery, Bandit, Emma, Francine, Franklin, Huey, Gilligan, Gonzo, Kodo,
Max, Misty Cloud, Nemo, Pickles, Podo, Sadie, Snitch, Sunny, & Tiffany,
all wishing I was working on developing a better raisin than a better
bitter apple!
                .          .
  Andi         (  \~~''~~/  )
    & Todd      {  _    _  }
      Lockhart  {//@\\//@\\}    Happiness is
                 \\\\\/////          a dancing ferret...
               ---\' <> '/---
                 / \'--'/ \
 Signature 1994, All rights reserved.
[Posted in FML issue 1820]