Hello Everyone,
The other day I was on a web page and I beleive it dealt with a club,
organization or shelter of some sort in Ontario Canada.  There was some
information about a club closing down due to lack of members.  They were
also looking for people to be contacts in Ontario.  Unfortunately I lost my
book marks and I have not been able to locate the sight since.  Does anyone
know of this page?  If so please e-mail me the URL.
ALso, thought I'd let you know that the Baby Boy i was having problems with
in regards to being "psychotic" must have read the fml when I posted about
how awful he is, becuase for the first time EVER, he let me pick him up
without screaming and he kissed my hand!!!  Thanks to everyone who offered
me suggestions and money!!  to help this little guy.  We're going to take it
1 day at a time.
Well as most of you know I"ve been haveing REAL bad luck with ferrets
lately.  Well, my boss and I had some more bad luck, but with a happy
ending, thank God!!  We had 3 GORGEOUS sable kits in our store that were the
NICEST i've ever seen.  All they do is KISS!  There were 2 males and 1
female.  We sold both of the females and were left with Samantha.  Usually
at night a lady who has her own ferret, takes any kits we have home to
socialize them, and so they wont be left alnoe in the store at night.  She
lives behind the store.  Well she took the little girl home and went out for
the night.  Her's is free roaming and so are any kits that are there at any
time.  About 4 hours later my boss received a call from a hysterical
neighbour, lady who hates animals, saying that there was some weird animal
out side her door!!  My boss ran outside and discovered this 8 week old kit
dancing around!!  She fell from a 2 storey open window!!!  Luckily for her
we live in Canada and she fell into a snowbank!  Also lucky that we found
her when we did because it was -27 degrees + the windchill factor outside!!
Also our store is located near dense bush!  The lady sure heard an earful
from me about leaving windows open!!  I checked Samantha over and she is
fine!!  YaY!!  I've learnt more in the past 2 weeks about accidents and
ferret problems than in the past 4 years of owning them!!
Liz and D.J.
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[Posted in FML issue 1820]