>So are Silver mits as hyper as badger ferrets, and am I about to lose
>control of the house to a silver mit and badger ferret that are best pals?
Well, I have a male silver mitt and a male badger.  They're both forces to
be contended with.  The silver mitt, Pepper, is huge and strong and can jump
heights one would not imagine he can.  He's a holy terror in the house,
dragging off shoes, gloves, rolls of TP, lingerie and kotex under the
dressers, digging out the plants in the bathroom (I still can't figure out
how he gets up there) and climbing things you would think he'd need
*suckers* for!  The badger, Cal, is intelligent, evil, crafty and
determined.  He makes phone calls, pushes *everything* off any surface,
steals paper backs, VCR tapes, cassette tapes, CDs, anything plastic,
viciously attacks shoes and anything leather.  Together they've learned how
to open desk drawers (three of them went running through the room with silk
roses in their mouths, looking like crazed Casinovas), scale tall buildings
and outrun locomotives.  O_O (tall buildings the xmas tree, locomotives fast
German Shepherd dog).
They're also the sweetest and most affectionate of my ferrets (which is
probably why they're still alive!)
My advice? Batten down the hatches and have a blast!
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Barbara Carlson                   Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh PA
[log in to unmask]           Work: (412) 268-1342 Home: (412) 481-5927
 http://www.gsia.cmu.edu/andrew/bcarlson/home.html (under construction)
Thought for the day:
    If "boring women have immaculate homes," I must be very interesting!
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[Posted in FML issue 1818]