Hi everyone,
I've been thinking again (I know you all wish that I'd stop that).
Being a persnickety person, I have been mildly to moderatley to seriously
frusterated by two large gaps that I perceive in the world of ferrets.  The
first is the lack of readily available show results and the second is the
lack of readily available pedigrees.
I have some ideas on how I might help to remedy both of these and welcome
thoughts or ideas from more experienced ferret folks:
SHOW RESULTS -- I would be quite willing, if clubs of any
variety/affiliation/independency would send their show results, to compile a
quarterly listing and make it available to anyone who wants it. I could
easily make it available for free over the Internet, and for a SASE by snail
mail (though if I get much response for that I'll probably also have to
charge for copying costs). If I were to contact all the various show
secretaries I see advertised in publications, do you think they'd be willing
to do this?
PEDIGREES -- I'd really like to see some sort of main database accumulate on
this.  It is my understanding that FURO had something of this nature and it
died with them (which is a great pity and if anyone has a contact name/phone
# I'd be happy to call and try to convince them to let me have it for the
sake of ferretkind.  :) But even if they won't hand it over, I think we need
to start again.) I'm not entirely sure how this one would work: again, I'd
be happy to compile the information with a good pedigree program on my
computer (which would be easy to get: there are lots of nice pedigree
programs out there), I'm just not entirely sure how to dissemate the
information.  I could probably make it available on a web page, or again by
snail mail requests though I'd probably have to charge something to cover my
costs.  Do you think that breeders would cooperate with me on this one?  I'd
need the help of hobby breeders, copies of their pedigrees, etc.
I understand that both of these may be fairly large undertakings.  If they
become too much for one person to handle, I'd seek out volunteers to assist
What does everyone think?
[log in to unmask], anal retentive. <g>
[Posted in FML issue 1818]