Well, they say that any new business will either live or die in the first
two years.  Our pooter business just celebrated it's second birthday -
alive, well and running us ragged.  As a result, our participation on the
FML will have to limited for awhile.
We are thankful for all the friends we have met here; glad that folks have
taken kindly to the things we write.  The fellowship of fellow ferret-nuts
is a constant source of joy to us.  Dang it!  Guess I just have to say it
one more time, "Ferret folks are the best folks in the whole danged
We'll drop in whenever we can.  The PML will be sent out whenever our stack
of Round Tuits gets too large to manage.  About the only thing I can promise
right now is that there will be a Ferret Easter story or two.  We'll do our
best to stay in touch with the folks who are used to hearing from us on a
regular basis.  A best, it will be a hit and miss type of thing.
We'll jump back into the midst of things, with all 16 of our feets, just as
soon as we can.  In the meantime, our hearts, thanks, and prayers will be
with all ferrets and their most excellent people.
Many much loves and blessings,
Paw Paw, Mee Maw, Tater and Odie
R.I.P.  Vincent 'His Lordship' Schieman, whom we buried today.Vinnie was the
Patriarch of our cat family.  His life was a long and happy one.  We thank
him for the love and joy, not to mention the simple wisdom and dignity that
he shared with us.  He's now in that place where we all long to be, basking
in the sunshine of love that will never end.
[Posted in FML issue 1818]