**The advice dispensed by myself in reference to FML postings is not meant
to supplant the advice of veterinarians who are in charge of the patient.
If the patient is not currently under the care of a veterinarian, the client
is recommended to take their ferret to one.**
>From:    "John H. Duda" <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Help for my sick one?
>I've seen so many helpful medical answers here that I am in hopes of
>learning what might be wrong with my 2 year old male, Bearbee.
Top of the list is some type of gastro-intestinal infection or inflammation.
These range from bacterial problems to viral (ECE is one example. Check out
the FAQ on ECE for more information). Best to take the kid to the vet's.
Mike Dutton, DVM, DABVP
Weare Animal Hospital
Weare, NH, USA
[Posted in FML issue 1779]