Howdy from Eden in Seattle catching up on the FML after being away from
email for the holidays.
marie i. schatz wrote re free-roam ferrets:
>I have one input as a free roam household.  Once the ferrets have explored
>everything and done everything they can figure out to do (and the stuff
>they shouldn't be doing you have corrected) they get really blase.
>Once they've got the house "done" for the upteenth time and are used to
>being left out - they seem calmer than caged ferrets.
>Mary, Boris and Giesela (Mom we want a new house were done with this one!)
My boys are both free-roam & I find this to be very much the case.  what we
do to alleviate woozle boredom is introduce new items like empty boxes and
remove old ones fairly often, or move the smaller bits of furniture around
at regular intervals.
We had to shove everything around to fit in a dining table for Thanksgiving
& the woozles just loved running around investigating the new layout.
"cool, I can walk from the loveseat to the comfychair now mom - look at me!"
Speaking of thanksgiving I just wanted to remind everybody to be extra
carefull during the holidays.  I know everyone here on this list does their
best to be super aware of their ferrets, but with the holidays you can have
lots of other folks running through your house & no matter how many times
you tell them to watch out they just dont have it ingrained.... My mom was
here for Thanksgiving & despite constant warnings & putting signs on the
doors everywhere she still managed to step on Misha because she just didnt
watch where she was going (He's fine thank goodness!  I checked him over
immediately & then watched him really closely for the last few days to make
sure he had no internal injuries) made for an overly exciting interrupt to
thanksgiving dinner I assure you.  We were very lucky since this could have
been a serious accident instead of just a close call.  Please everyone, dont
forget to protect your babies from your families ;->
Eden and her 3 guys: Misha, Lemke & Bill (the human one)
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[Posted in FML issue 1772]