Hi everyferret out dere...
     Dis' here is Rosie, Maxie, Sammi, Wiggles, and Shiva...
Anyways, today Miss Wiggles goes to the vet for surgery on her moles, and
last nite we had some visitor ferrets to our house for the first time ever!
They was named Bandit and Cinni Bear!  We had lots of fun, cause we have
real ferret playmates now, and we is so excited!  We is going to see our
Grandma and Grandpa on Saturday for a whole week too!  We get to meet our
Uncle Stevebo and everyting!  Scar-scar the doggie gets to be a sandwich
between our Ma and Da too!  Then, we get back home and take off to Oregon to
see Sandy Streit and her ferrets what own her and Melbourne (dat's Georgia's
handsome ferret boy you nose).  Then we might even get a new baby sifter, so
we might be called the Doyle Six Pack...but maybe we will have a sugar
glider or a flying squirrel...who nose...it all depends on what is available
and how much tin cans our parents have to recover from our hidey-holes to
pay for them...
The point of this massage is that we will be on bay-cation for like ten days
on Saturday, so you can still send us mail...and we would love to get it, as
well as posts and subscribes for the ferret-adventures mailing list, but
don't expect a reply until the end of the month...whew!
Anyways, Cinni Bear fell asleep in our ferret tunnel what Da made for us,
and her Mom Jennifurr was worried about finding her but she did...Bandit
fell asleep on the foontoon and was happy as a river otter on her back in
the sun with a fish on her belly for lunch!
Well, we might even get to see our Fairy Godmother Dayna on our trip to Lost
Angels Land and we might get to go to Dinny-Land too!  Well, our parents
might get to go to Dinny-Land!
We is sure lookin' forward to getting the Paw-Paw mailing list and we is
wonderin' what it is all about...we want to make a post for it when we sneek
down late and night and type on the pooter...
So, check out our books at http://home.aol.com/kingfsher because they are
still available with the little paw-prints what we became black-footed
ferrets for!
Well, gotta run now and get little Miss ready for the big doctor
Love and Dooks To All!
Rosie, Maxie, Sammi, Wiggles, & Shiva
TDFFFF (The Doyle Fuzzy Fabulous Fantastic Five)
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=v==v= =v==v= =v=
[Posted in FML issue 1788]