I'm hoping someone can give me some suggestions on a very itchy ferret.
Indy is 3 1/2 years old and every winter he becomes *very* itchy.  I know
ferrets in general are itchy critters, but poor Indy tears skin off the back
of his neck!  He seems so miserable this time of year.  It is not
fleas...more like severely dry skin.  He will scratch nonstop for 2-3 hours
in the middle of the night and every morning, he is scabbed between his
shoulder blades!
Well, on a different note, we have joined the crowd and started a web page.
We only have pics of 2 of the kids scanned, but will be adding the others as
soon as we can!  We *do* have two adorable pics of Ekko, our angora, up
there.  The address is http://members.aol.com/ferretfun/frenzy.htm (keep in
mind we are *not* finished...it still needs a lot of work!)
Brooke & Troy....Cody, Indy, Kiwi, Dizzi, Darwin, and Ekko
[Posted in FML issue 1772]