We sent Trish's post to Sally Heber of the AFA.  We've included below some
of her message back to us.  This isn't really a response.  The AFA and Sally
Heber don't engage in tit for tat exchanges.  We've decided to write a more
formal response since it was us and our friends that were insulted.  What we
write is not an official AFA response, it is our personal opinions.  We've
just been very busy this week.
bill and diane killian
zen and the art of ferrets
mailto:[log in to unmask]
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Sally Heber
Subject: reply
[...] It sounds like she had her mind made up before she even arrived at the
show that she wasn't going to like it.  The attendance was around 400 give
or take about 50.  There were 40 ferret exhibitors alone and 20+ vendor
spaces sold so if each exhibitor and vendor had 2 people, that makes 120 and
invariably, there are more than 2 people with each exhibitor and vendor.  I
can think of at least 5 shelters that were there to place animals.  I don't
know how many were placed. [...]
The email message sounded like she didn't feel a part of the show and didn't
make it a point to introduce herself or ask any questions.  If you recall,
there was a table set up where anyone could ask questions about the judging
(2 hours worth) and also a vet was there for 1 1/2 hours to answer questions
with the procedes going towards local ferret rescues.  Just goes to show
that one only sees what one wants to see.
I can't see AFA spending its precious time or resources answering sour
grapes when we have more important things to do that concern the rabies
issues, veterinary education nationwide, public education through many
channels, putting out publications, answering phone, mail, and email
coorespondance, servicing our members, taking active participation in
writing laws, regulations, ordinances, etc..  that impact the ferrets, among
many, many other things with a paid staff of ONE and some volunteers.  [...]
[Posted in FML issue 1787]