When I tried to sign up a new person for Pepita's ML, the computer lost all
the addresses of all the subscribers, including the new person.
Hopefully I can get everyone back on.  If you want to be sure your name is
still on, just send me an e-mail at [log in to unmask] that says
something like "subscribe Pepita's ML."
I am REALLY sorry this happened!  Computers are so unpredictable, aren't
If you know where I could get a free listserver, this could really solve a
lot of problems.  Please e-mail me if you know of one who could take charge
of Pepita's Mailing List for me.  THANKS!  :o) Unfortunately, the listserver
would have to be web-based, as it is not possible for the computer I use to
download anything.
 Get Your *Web-Based* Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com
[Posted in FML issue 1786]