Hi all!
I'm having a problem with my little Dweezil.  Sable Female MF, age 3.5
months.  Beginning of last week, i noticed that she wasn't eating her food
(Iam's kitten food) and I was finding little piles of it thrown up around
the house, also, no poop to be found.  Went to my vet (who is
ferret-friendly and knowledgeable), he thought she might have a hairball, so
I dosed her with Laxatone for 2 days, out comes a little laxative-coated
poop.  But she still isn't eating!  All she'll eat is treats (like raisins,
dates, Pounce, anything yummy) I even tried baby food.  She's getting
skinny.  This time, back to the vet w/ her.  While on the table she has
diarrhea, and throws up (looked like a Pounce to me!) He's a little baffled.
Takes her temp; normal.  Administers sub-q fluids 'cuz she's a little
dehydrated, gives me Nutrical for her to eat, and I'm giving her 1/2 cc of
Bactril solution orally twice a day, he guesses she has an upper respiratory
illness, and perhaps a sore throat (explaining the not eating).  She's much
perkier than she was on Friday (when I went to the vet), but she still WON'T
EAT!  She's living on Nutrical, raisins, dates, Pounce, hamburger off the
pizza, Canadian bacon off the pizza, but no solid crunchy food.  I don't
know what to do...she'll starve herself if I don't give her treats, but
she's gotta eat!  My vet is perplexed.  So I'm asking for help from anyone
who may have experienced this before, PLEASE!  Email me personally or reply
to the FML.  I'm going back to the vet tomorrow, but any answers I get here
will be appreciated all the same, probably more!  In the meantime, is there
any reason not to try feeding her creamy peanut butter?  (if she'll eat it;
I haven't tried yet) I figure it's high in fat and protein, but is it not
good for them?  Thanks for letting me ramble!
Waiting anxiously for answers,
Sherrie ([log in to unmask])
dweezil (the skinny baby)
[Posted in FML issue 1786]