Hello to all.
We made it back this morning from St.  Louis and all is well.  For those who
do not know what I am talking about, my husband and I took our dog and 10
little fuzzbuts to a convention in St. Louis.  The convention was connected
with my husbands work but we just couldn't leave our furry friends home for
8 days so we packed them in a 28 ft. motorhome and away we went.  They all
faired very well, including our sick little Snoopy (who is no longer that
sick from what we can tell).  It was quite an experience but it went well.
I should say, whoever invented wood pellets for litter should get a medal.
I heard about them via this group and because of the rave reviews it was
getting, set out to find some because if it was as good as you all said it
was, I had to try it.  We found some about the week before and am I glad we
did.  If we hadn't have had this stuff I am sure that we would have been
smelled out of the motorhome - in such close quarters with 7 litter pans,
and not being able to clean them as often as we would have liked, it would
have been a disaster.  As it was, there was hardly any smell at all, it's
easy to dump and keeps the pans relatively clean as well.  Sawdust is much
easier to cope with than mud.  Anyway, it was a God send and we recomend it
above all other litters.
More later on Snoopy (I'm confused) but I just had to let you know what I
thought of these wood pellets.
Tryntje Miller                   Net:[log in to unmask]
Conrad Grebel College Library    Tel: (519) 885-0220 ext. 239
Waterloo, Ontario                Fax: (519) 885-0014
N2L 3G6
[Posted in FML issue 1786]